BY Michael Light / On May 3, 2022

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Canopy Park, the much-anticipated 3-acre public park associated with Five Park Miami Beach at 5th 和 Alton is officially open! 以下是迈阿密海滩最新的公共公园的看点.

Monstrum Playground

Hailing from Denmark, Monstrum以为所有年龄段的人创造游戏场景而自豪,这些游戏场景旨在激发体验空间的人的想象力. At Canopy Park, the team has designed “Rosie The Elephant’s Playground.”  它有2个攀登功能(一个适合较小的孩子,一个适合较大/更活跃的孩子)和2个滑梯. The small slide is designed to resemble a caterpillar, 而更大的滑梯则有一个进入大象的游乐区和一个从大象身上出来的更大的管滑梯. 有趣的!

Canopy Park at Five Park Million Orchid Project Fairchild

Fairchild Botanical Gardens’ Million Orchid Project

Five Park, in partnership with Fairchild Botanical Gardens, is debuting a Miami Beach botanical garden. 第一个装置将在整个公园地面上展示600株盛开的兰花. Different installations are expected to rotate throughout the seasons, 所以,当你漫步或慢跑穿过公园时,一定要留意不同的热带花朵.

Art Installations

Contemporary sculptor Mark H和forth 将他的作品《365app》作为公园的首次艺术装置展出. 汉德福斯先生出生于香港,在英国长大,现在居住和工作在迈阿密. 他以其在全球公共场所的大型雕塑而闻名. 365app很高兴看到本地艺术家有机会展示他们的创作.

Canopy Park at Five Park Dog Park

The Dog Park

The kiddos 和 grownups can’t be the only ones to have fun, our doggos need a space to romp as well, 和 they certainly have one here! 围栏和专业景观区域为幼崽提供了充足的空间, chase balls (or their own tails, as the case sometimes may be), 狗父母的座位区和清洁站,365app希望每个人都能利用. Seriously though. Be a good neighbor. Pick up after your dog.

Outdoor Gym

当你的孩子们在Monstrum游乐场消磨精力,而Fido在椭圆形的狗狗公园里绕着圈跑的时候, you can also pump some iron at the outdoor gym. Jogging is available throughout the park, 但也有一系列的力量训练练习可供选择.


Once the whole family is sufficiently exhausted, pass by the event lawn to have a picnic, bask in the sunshine, visit with friends, whatever you feel on that day. 这座绿草如茵的小丘还会不时举办小型文化活动, so make sure to pay attention to news announcements in the area.

Retail Pavilion (coming soon)

一旦施工结束,零售商就有机会完成他们的空间, a retail pavilion will offer snacks, 果汁, 咖啡, 冰沙, 冰淇淋, 和 all sorts of options for those visiting the park. We don’t yet have confirmation of which retailers will be present, 但它肯定会与公园里提供的其他设施相匹配.

Bioswale “Dry River”

在那些讨厌迈阿密的人有机会从开发中带来涨潮和雨水径流之前, 365app必须指出,正在采取一切预防措施,以确保该公园在未来几十年保持美丽和有用. 该项目设计了一条通道,并种植了植物,以保持公园的美学. 这可不是你印象中中西部或纽约的下水道. 不,先生. 这是一条综合种植的干河,将从海湾分流雨水,减少洪水.

A 25,000加仑的蓄水池将在主要风暴事件期间收集多余的径流,并全年灌溉植物,在需要补充之前,可以用收集的雨水完全灌溉公园一周.“绿色基础设施解决方案包括用于过滤和管理雨水的生物威尔士和雨水花园. How about that!


连接ing Canopy Park to South of Fifth for pedestrians was also previously addressed. Internationally-acclaimed French artist Daniel Buren 设计了一座人行天桥,连接公园和麦克阿瑟铜锣上的第五大道南, allowing visitors to walk to additional restaurants, the Miami Beach Marina, 和 the SoFi Beachwalk.


迈阿密海滩五公园(Five Park Miami Beach)由泰拉集团(Terra Group)开发,该团队在很大程度上取得了成功 公园的树林Grove at Gr和 Bay in Coconut Grove. Arquitectonica, 谁负责整个迈阿密和迈阿密海滩的大部分高层建筑设计,谁负责塔楼的设计, 但迈阿密海滩Canopy Park真正的亮点是ArquitectonicaGEO.

ArquitectonicaGEO是Arquitectonica的景观设计分支,负责迈阿密戴德新开发项目和公共空间中一些最原始的花园. 我个人最喜欢的一些作品包括布里克尔城市中心, the East Hotel in Brickell City Centre (including Sugar, the rooftop lounge), the new Virgin Voyages cruise terminal at Port of Miami, the Perez Art Museum (PAMM), 57 Ocean in mid-beach Miami Beach, the Ritz Carlton Sunny Isles, Hyde Midtown, Aria on the Bay in Edgewater, 和 Brickell Heights in the Brickell financial district. This is certainly not the first rodeo for ArquitectonicaGEO.

Five Park Tower is currently under construction. When completed, it will reach 44 stories 和 546-feet. There will be a total of only 98 residences, ranging in size from a 1,434sf 2 bedroom up to a 5 bedroom over 6,000sf. 每栋住宅都有一部私人电梯,可以看到公园、海湾或海景. Prices start at $2.600万年.

如果你有兴趣在一个项目的介绍与特殊价格, please contact Michael Light, Broker 和 Executive Director of Luxury Sales at Douglas Elliman. You may reach Michael directly at (786) 566-1700 or via email at michael@maryplusjeff.com.



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